Poop on the green, tee, or fairway – 5 strokes; Unauthorized swimming – 1 stroke; Dog prints in bunkers – 1 stroke; Ball stealing or moving – 1 stroke; Barking/whining – 1 stroke; and Dog out of owner’s control – 2 strokes. These are just some of the penalties that occurred during the 1st annual Canine Invitational hosted by Ace.
On this beautiful Colorado November day, Applewood Golf Course had gone to the dogs. During the 9-hole tournament, dogs were allowed to roam off leash and enjoy this course that sits in the shadow of Coors Brewery. Ace was a gracious host as he accrued 18 penalty strokes. Of course being a six month old Lab, he showed all the other dogs how to have fun on his course!

Our group consisted of JuJu & Rick (the winning team); Rowdy & Marybeth; and Corey & myself. JuJu and Rowdy played perfectly while Corey was a little too adventurous and was the only one in our group to have penalty strokes assessed (but he sure had fun).

Rob Pfohl did an great job organizing this event and the real winner was the dog rescue organization as the proceeds were donated to this group. I applaud the staff of Applewood Golf Course for their efforts to think “outside the box” to make golf a fun experience for a broader group of players. So if you are looking for something to do after your Coors Brewery tour – remember there is Always Time for 9 at Ace’s home course.
14001 W. 32nd Ave., Golden, CO 80401; 303-279-3003; www.applewoodgc.com
Golden, CO 80401