Today, Always Time for 9 wished our name was Always Time for 18. But before I judge too quickly, let’s review the 9-hole Balboa Park Golf Course. It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s…
really a plane. This course is one of the most impressive places to watch aircraft on approach to San Diego’s Lindbergh Field. The first one of the day got my attention as I launched my tee shot at the Hole #1, 150 yard par 3. This is a nice easy hole to ease into your round, especially if you have just stepped off a plane and you need a quick round to stretch out.

Holes #2, #4, and #8 are also par 3s ranging in length from 130 to 198 yards. Each has a small green which will test your accuracy but the holes present no other challenge. Holes #3 and #5 are both par 4s with wide-open fairways and a bunker helping to protect the otherwise defenseless green. That brings us to Holes #6 and #7. You can have some fun teeing it up on these holes. Both are very short par 4s (238 and 218 yards respectively); relatively straight; one small bunker by the green; tiny greens; and will make you feel very loooooong!
Hole #8 is a ho-hum par 3. #9 is finally a hole that can present a bit of a challenge. The drive can be tight with a fence-protected road to the left plus tree and bunker trouble to the right.

Par: For the high-handicap/senior/junior golfer. Bogey: For the low-handicap golfer. The best things about this course: 1) There is a nice 18-hole course right across the street. 2) There is an 18-hole Footgolf course within these 9-holes. 3) You get a great view of planes approaching Lindbergh Field. You get plenty of opportunity for this because the pace of play is slow. 4) You are golfing in San Diego in January. 5) You are in Balboa Park!
Balboa Park is the nation’s largest urban cultural park. It is home to 15 major museums including the San Diego Zoo, San Diego Hall of Champions and my favorite the San Diego Air & Space Museum. Add 65 miles of hiking and biking trails, and you have a full day or two just exploring this beautiful and timeless setting.
2600 Golf Course Drive, San Diego, CA 92102; 619-235-1184; www.balboapark.org
San Diego, CA 92102