Bienvenido a Puerto Del Sol Golf Course. Estuvo a la altura de su nombre…Port of the Sun! La lluvia se detuvo; el sol salio de las nubes; and I’m ready for golf, but the computers were down. However, I was able to play for the cash I found in my wallet – $10. Todo es genial durante The Houseless (but not Homeless) Golf Tour in the Land of Enchantment. Juguemos al golf!

The course starts with a par three at Hoyo Uno. It’s 148 yards from the middle tees with a huge bunker left and a smaller one to the right. As your white ball reaches its apex into the deep blue, cloudless New Mexico sky, you’re thankful to be able to be spending time in this beautiful southwestern state. That is, if your ball does not land in the cavernous bunker! Hoyo Dos is a par four of 358 yards from the white tees. It’s a tight driving hole as there are small groupings of trees both left and right; a fairway bunker to the right; and a wild hook will find an unplayable lie in the driving range. The trees are an obstacle, but they are not dense woods as you might find in other areas of the country. You can find safe passage through them, as I experienced with my second shot.

A sizable dogleg to the left on Hoyo Tres may create an issue on this short par 4. The best approach to the green is the right side of the fairway. But not too far right because there is a sandy waste area over beyond the trees. The small green is welcoming from the front, but bunkers can cause issues left, right, and rear. For all of us senior golfers (golfistas mayores), a restroom oasis awaits our visit at Hoyo Cuatro. This hole bends slightly to the right and the fairway is squeezed by the trees that line the fairway. Once again a number of bunkers may cause havoc around the green.

Hoyo Cinco does not set up well for my draw as I needed to clear a few trees to find the fairway that angles to the right. I did clear a few trees, but not nearly enough to avoid five large trees blocking my approach. I was able to get up and over again only to find one of the large bunkers that surround this green. Big bunkers left and right are a recurring theme on this course, so bring your best sand game. There is also a road down the left, so all you hookers beware on this number one handicap hole. It’s bombs-away on Hoyo Seis. A wide, straight fairway is ready to accept that pounded drive on the 330 yard par 4. The hole has a slight incline and it was a little taxing on the old body. However, this is a very walkable course.

Hoyo Siete is a 150 yard par 3 with the requisite right and left bunkers. At Hoyo Ocho, we encounter the only par 5 on the course. Maybe it is no accident the longest fairway is right next to the Albuquerque International Sunport (Airport) as this straight fairway would make an excellent emergency runway. Hoyo Nueve is a hookers nightmare as a six lane road closely parallels the fairway, and that five-foot high fence will probably not keep your ball from coming to rest in one of the many passing pickup trucks. Luckily my tee shot was down the middle, and all I had to contend with now were the big bunkers lef…well you know where they are located.
Rating – Birdie (43 out of 60): Bunkers are the name of the game at Puerto Del Sol GC. If you don’t like sand, you probably won’t like this track. I did however, enjoy my round that was completed in one and a half hours. The fairways were a little spotty after a long, hot summer, but the greens were in good shape. The staff was excellent and made quick decisions regarding the computer issues.
P.S. I would like to apologize to all my Hispanic friends about the way I have butchered their native language. Por favor, acepta mis humildes disculpas!
2023 Update: This course doubled as part of both these golfing adventures: The Houseless (but not Homeless) Golf Tour in The Land of Enchantment and Grabbing my Sticks and Golfing Route 66.
1800 Girard Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106; 505-265-5636; www.cabs.gov
1800 Girard Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
1800 Girard Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106