Did we find the “green terror” on the Hill at McDaniel College Golf Club? At McDaniel College the “Green Terror” reigns as a symbol of deep-rooted commitment to excellence that dates back to 1923. Let’s see if the “green terror” becomes the “greens terror” and affects our golf game on this short 9-hole course.
The course was almost empty as we handed over our $20 to play 9-holes. Since students play for free, this pair of senior citizens could not convince the pro that we were currently seniors at this institution of higher learning. We had our fake ID’s, but our 20 year old photos did not quite match our 70 year old presence in front of him. Campus personnel must have heard that Always Time for 9 had entered the premises because as soon as we were warmed up (another hint that we were seniors, not seniors), three groups formed behind us at Hole #1.

We made the mistake of letting two young men play through (as we continued to stretch) and watched them wildly miss the green at this opening par 3 hole. Fifteen combined shots later, they moved to the next hole. We scored considerably better at this 118 yard hole. If you own a bike helmet, you might consider wearing it at the tee box of Hole #2. This teeing area is just a wild, sliced, wedge shot slightly right of the first hole. The shout “fore” barely proceeded the sound of the small white sphere wizzing past my head. An expertly executed fade on this short, dogleg right, 208 yard par 4 may set you up for a birdie or possibly an eagle attempt!
The par 3 third hole is only 103 yards, but anything to the right might find your ball rolling down the hill and into a steady stream of vehicle traffic. Hole #4 is a slight dogleg to the left with trees getting in the way of any wayward shots. This par 4 is only 291 yards, but we found a way to make it much longer. Our excuse? It is the #1 handicap hole! Hole #5 is a straight 298 yard par 4. There is big tree trouble down the right, but at least they will protect the cars over there from any wild slices from the tee box.

We had a senior moment times two at Hole #6. Neither one of us could determine where the back tee box was located. It is already a short par 4 (211 yards) albeit all uphill, but we made it much shorter playing from the forward tees (more about the tees in the recap). No problem finding Hole #7 as it is adjacent to number six green. There are trees lining the right side of this par 4, however you need to aim at them as the fairway slopes dramatically from right to left. Predictably, both our balls settled on the far left of this landing area. Your approach shot needs to be right of the green, as there is a big drop off to the left.

Hole #8 is a par 3 of 114 yards. It’s uphill and has one of the few course bunkers guarding the front of the green. The ninth hole is a straight 315 yard par 4 with bunkers left and right of the green.
Rating – Par (37 out of 60): McDaniel College Golf Club is a par 33 track. The scorecard shows only one tee box and the combined yardage is a short 2009 yards. On the course, however, there are two sets of tees – Red (back) and Yellow (front). I have no idea which one is the 2009 yardage. Being strong old men, we played from the back tees (except #6)! Overall the course was in fairly good shape. There were burned spots on the fairway, but the greens were in excellent shape. There was 2-3 inches of rough around the fairways and greens, so even though the course yardage was short, the rough can make the course demanding in spots. There were only a few bunkers and no water hazards were present.
The yellow flags on the course are for a Footgolf 9-hole round. Both of us being soccer players in our distant past thought about kicking a 9, but quickly dismissed it for fear of injury and embarrassment. It was a nice day spent on “The Hill”, but we did not see any sign of their mascot – The Green Terror (of course everyone was on summer vacation).
207 Pennsylvania Ave., Westminster, MD 21157; 410-848-7667; www.mcdanielathletics.edu